School Project - Cawdor House 2014

Meghan McIntyre, a 6th year Pupil in Session 2014-15, and House Official for Cawdor, along with with four others who represented the House, were directed by Mr Thewliss, the Head Teacher, to make a presentation to an assembly of the whole of Cawdor on the theme of 'legacy'. She requested information from Former Pupils about their own experiences at Harris Academy and also those of parents/grandparents who also attended the School. The Pupils wished to use these experiences to highlight to Cawdor the legacy Former Pupils have left and the impact that Harris Academy had on Members of the Association.

Meghan has reported back that the event was very successful and the input from FPs was of great value. She has tried to thank directly all FP contributors who contacted her but wishes to reiterate here her appreciation of the interest of FPs in the project and to thank them for their contributions.

The Pupils made use of several videos which are actually published on YouTube, and they will be of interest to FPs. The first one was made in 1941 and is fairly startling! The others are of more recent date.